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Mens Engraved Wooden Cufflinks

Mens Engraved Wooden Cufflinks

A Stylish Gift

This lovely burled timber men's cufflink set is a fabulous addition to any distinguished wardrobe. Their timelessly classic design are the ultimate accessory for the dapper gentleman. With these personalised cufflinks you can stylishly update your corporate ensemble in time for your next important meeting. You could even couple them with a personalised wooden pen set from our lovely wooden range to stand out from all the others. Great as an anniversary, wedding, graduation or birthday gift for the ever busy man, our wooden cufflinks are sure to be enjoyed by anyone who receives them. **Timber is a natural product with grain and colour variation; please embrace this natural beauty and be aware that the wood’s features will become a part of your finished engraving.** PLEASE NOTE: Due to popular demand the colours 4, 5 + 6 are currently out of stock. We are working hard to have them back in stock for you!

Wooden Plant Box or Orchid Flower Pot

Wooden Plant Box or Orchid Flower Pot

All Mums love flowers - so why not go one step better and present your Mum with a special plant pot to put them in!

Our gorgeous grey washed pine plant box with rope handles is the perfect accessory for a stylish plant or flower pot. This wooden plant pot is perfect for plants that require light misting such as orchids, rather than plants that require full regular watering. We recommend that the plant you choose to place inside this box remains in its original pot and our wooden box is used a stunning decorative exterior. Price includes engraving exactly as shown in the picture and no plant - BYO! We can add engraved names, dates and even pictures to this wooden plant pot! If you wish to personalise the engraving please note that this will incur an artwork and engraving fee, price of which varies depending on the extent of your personalisation. TOP TIP: Remove plant regularly to allow pot to dry out so that no mould happens. DID YOU KNOW... You can put a piece of clear plastic film, cut to size, discretely under a wooden pot to protect surfaces.

Engraved Wooden Coat Hanger

Engraved Wooden Coat Hanger

These wooden clothes hangers are chic additions to home or pampering event. Available in a natural wood finish or varnished, we can engrave to order either one of the words displayed or a name or word of your choice. Not only fabulous as personalised gifts, these hangers will looking stunning as part of an elegant home life, in your own wardrobe or upon a coat rack in your hallway. Colour fill for only $10.00 a hanger truly adds a modish elegance to them especially the black!! Just WOW. Filling colours available include White, Gold & Silver. TOP TIP:

We've found that bridal parties love these custom engraved hangers as party of their Wedding Party Gifts, Bridal Favours or Hen Nights. These wooden clothes hangers are also perfect for newlyweds' homes, so why not add them to your Wedding Registry List?
**Timber is a natural product with grain and colour variation; please embrace this natural beauty and be aware that the wood’s features will become a part of your finished engraving.**

Personalised Father’s Day Gift: wooden cookbook / iPad stand

Personalised Father’s Day Gift: wooden cookbook / iPad stand

Is Dad an avid home chef? Then this is the gift for him!

This rustic acacia wood stand is perfect for iPads and cookbooks - making it a chic addition to any kitchen. You can personalise this gift by changing the Father's Day message to include the names of your choice. Your personalised message: Happy Father's Day love [your name or chosen names] If you wish to make further changes to the custom engraving on this gift please click the Request Custom Order button below.

Wood Engraving: Why is it so popular?

Wood Engraving: Why is it so popular?

Wooden items were increasingly being bought or brought in for engraving as personalised gifts. We've always loved the way that wood looks when engraved, but now it appears that our…

Small Grey/White Wood Frame

Small Grey/White Wood Frame

When personalised, this frame will solve anyone's search for a fabulous personalised gift! Engrave a commemorative message or memorable date upon the edge of this frame and present it to a loved one as keepsake gift that will be truly treasured. A brilliant idea for engagement gifts and anniversary gifts. Simply provide us with dates, initials, words or message and we'll get to work engraving it just for you. TOP TIP:

Treat yourself and engrave this with words of meaning that will make you smile whenever you catch a glance of this frame within your home!
Please specify the location of your engraving in the comments box below eg. Top of frame, bottom of frame, top and bottom of frame etc. For engravings of family crests or photograph please click on the Request Custom Order button below.

Customised Wooden Hangers

Customised Wooden Hangers

We're absolutely loving the custom engraved hangers that are coming out of our workshop at the moment! Whether it's on a white or an unvarnished hanger each word looks truly…

Acacia Open Scooper – Perfect for Serving Salad

Acacia Open Scooper – Perfect for Serving Salad

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  • $ 0.00
  • Please note that all engraving costs include an artwork and set up fee of $30 or $60 depending on complexity of the engraving.
    No Additional EngravingCustom Engraved Initials (up to 4 characters)Custom Engraved Text (5 to 10 characters)Custom Engraved Message (up to 20 characters)Custom Engraved Logo or Family Crest
  • Specify text to be engraved. Up to 4 characters. Engraving will be max 12mm high.
  • Specify text to be engraved. Up to 10 characters. Engraving will be max 1 inch high.
  • Specify text to be engraved. Up to 20 characters. Engraving will be max 1 inch high.
  • Please upload a jpeg, pdf, png, psd, ai or gif of the image that you would like us to engrave, in black and white if possible. You can also send it to us in an email if you do not have the image to hand right now. Engraving will be max 2 inches square.
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, psd, ai, pdf, Max. file size: 12 MB.
  • Please select from our Top Ten Fonts Collection. For custom fonts not in our collection please click on the Request Custom Order button below.
    1. Allura2. Engravers MT3. Marcellus4. Nauert Regular5. Petit Formal Script6. Pinyon Script7. Proclamate Embossed8. Qaskin Black9. Rochester10. Clicker Script
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Engraving solutions for the personal and the professional in 3 simple steps

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